Throughout the year the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) host events to raise money to support the Enrichment Classes - Science, Art, Music, P.E., Drama and Gardening as well as After School Programs, the purchase of new educational technology and so much more!

general pta meeting

Join us on Tuesday, January 11th at 5pm
via ZOOM
all are welcome
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 779 3030
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,8737793030# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,8737793030# US (San Jose)


School COmmunity Council

Join us on Thursday 1/6/22 at 2:45pm via Google Meets to hear updates from Principal Sines and The PTA
Click below to join meeting:

Join by phone:

(US) +1 318-610-0350 (PIN: 113803130)

hanalei recycling programs

Hanalei School will hold the monthly Recycling day on Friday, January, 7th Look for us in front of the school-next to Mr. Sines office between 7am-8:30am.

Bring your HI-5 Recyclables, Coke caps/flaps & Wraps and used electronics!!

Contact Missy at 808-635-4637 or Michelle at 415-379-0032 for questions or to volunteer!


 Cell Phones & Smart Phones  iPads & Tablets  Smart Watches  Inkjet Printer Cartridges (No Toner Please)  Gold, Silver & Platinum Jewelry

Please recycle other non-program items locally. Contact Michelle at 415-379-0032 with any questions


We cannot accept Wine or Liquor Bottles